During the WRO season many local, national and international competitions take place. Due to the outbreak of covid-19 our international events this year have been cancelled. There may also be event cancellations on country and regional level.  

We know many people have questions about how the WRO season will be impacted by the efforts to contain covid-19. We are following the development of covid-19 closely, and our main priority, as always, is the safety of our participants, volunteers and visitors.

WRO Association will continue to monitor the situation and inform our national organizers. We take into account information given by the WHO and Centers of Disease Control in member countries.

We can communicate the following:

National WRO Competitions

WRO competitions in our member countries are organized by and under the responsibility of our national organizers.

  • All of our national organizers are advised to follow the policies on organizing events that have been or will be set by their national authorities, centers for disease control and public health institutions.
  • The decision of whether or not a local/regional/national event will take place, is the sole responsibility of the national organizer and the authorities in a country. WRO Association has no influence on this.

If you have any questions contact your national organizer.

WRO Friendship Invitationals cancelled

March 26:
The Friendship Invitationals planned in 2020 have been cancelled, a joint decision made by the national organizer in each country that was hosting the event and WRO Association.
The three WRO Friendship Invitationals were China in August, Italy in September and the USA in December.

WRO International Final cancelled

March 26:
The International Final is organized by and under the combined responsibility of the national organizer in the country that is hosting and WRO Association. A joint decision was made in late March to cancel the WRO2020 final, which was supposed to take place in November in Montréal, Canada.

World Health Organization general information on the Novel Corona Virus.