WRO® International Final

Our international final is hosted by a different country each year. Delegations from all over the world travel far to participate in the competition and make new friends from other countries.

With so many member countries, the international final is a big event. Over 500 teams join the competitions, and this means around 3,000 people visit the event. Countless local volunteers make sure that the international delegations have the time of their life. And many of our national organizers bring experienced volunteer judges to help make the competitions possible.

Ranking of teams at International Finals

You can see the public scoring for past international finals here:

WRO 2025 – International Final in Singapore

26. – 28. November 2025

The WRO 2025 International Final will be hosted in Singapore by our Singapore National Organizer.

All information about the event can be found on the event website that will be published in the coming weeks.

Note: The number of teams that a country can send to our international final depends on the number of teams in that country. You can see the qualification table for this season here.

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The WRO Open Championships are organised by different member countries each year. They focus primarily on hosting teams from the region that they are hosted in.
Open Championships are events where it is just as important to make new international friends and have fun as it is to compete in the WRO challenges. Open Championships are also meant to give more teams the opportunity to visit an international WRO event.

Note: Qualifcation and registration for an Open Championship is done through the National Organizers. Countries from the region can send teams in all categories that are offered. Countries from the rest of the world can only send a limited number of teams. The number of teams and the category / age groups that are available for teams depends on multiple factors and depends on the number of slots that are requested by countries in the qualification phase and the capacity of the event.

WRO 2025 – Open Championship – Europe
Ljubljana, Slovenia

02. – 05. September 2025

The Slovenian National Organizer is inviting us to the city of Ljubljana for an Open Championship.

At this event there will be competitions in all WRO categories and age groups.

The event website shows all the information about the event and will be published early March.

WRO 2025 – Open Championship – Asia & Pacific
Manila, Philippines

19. – 21. September 2025

The Philippines National Organizer invites us to join their Open Championship in Manila.

At this event there will be competitions in all WRO categories and age groups.

The event website has more information about the event and will be published early March.

WRO 2025 – Open Championship – Americas
Panama City, Panama

19. – 21. October 2025

Our National Organizer in Panama will be hosting an Open Championship in Panama City.

At this event there will be competitions in all WRO categories and age groups.

The event website has more information about the event and will be published early March.

Credits to our host countries

Our International Final is held in another country each year. And that means that it is one of our national organizers that takes on the responsibility to organize this amazing event. It is a good thing that they can usually expect a lot of support in their country. The 2023 event was organised by our WRO friends in Panama, our friends in Türkiye are working hard to organise the final in 2024, and our friends in Singapore are already preparing to host us in 2025.

2023 Panama

2024 Türkiye

2025 Singapore

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FUNDESTEAM, the Panama WRO organizers realized that they were not reaching the most vulnerable public schools with their WRO activities. In 2017 they started a special approach to reach these schools. Their work was spotted by the First Lady of Panama (Goodwill Ambassador of STEAM for the Americas). The government was committed to support the mission because they aim to improve the country’s education system based on the STEAM model with Robotics as an integral part. With help of the government the spin-off of hosting the International Final was a large-scale STEAM and Robotics training program for thousands of teachers in the country. On top of that the Panama organizers are able to help new WRO countries in the Americas start their activities.

‘Science Unites’ is the motto that our Turkish WRO organiser has been working with since 2004. Their name Bilim Kahramanları Derneği says it all, it translates to Science Heroes Association. This focus on science has also been a national priority since the foundation of the country. Science is the compass to overcome all challenges, to create the best environment for all lives and to become the main pillar for the education of all children and youth. Hosting the International Final is a good opportunity for Science Heroes to raise more awareness to the efforts of promoting science throughout the society. The goal is to use this awareness to double the number of WRO teams in the country. The large community of WRO volunteers in Turkey is thrilled to be hosting WRO in 2024.

Our Singapore National Organizer is Space Faculty. The organization was funded to create opportunities for experimentation, learning and leadership through space and they are very dedicated to help developing the STEM 2.0 learning roadmap for youths and professionals. It is for this reason that they also took the role of organizing the WRO competitions in the country. Innovation and youth programs are both key focus areas for Singapore, and WRO is a competition that brings them together. On top of this Singapore will celebrate 60 years of independence in 2025, and it will be 20 years ago that a WRO International Final was hosted there for the first time. There is no better time to host an International Final there. 

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